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I am president emeritus of Jewish Veg, formerly Jewish Vegetarians of North America and author of Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism, Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival, and Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal our Imperiled Planet and 250 articles at JewishVeg.corg/schwartz. I have had many. articles published in the Jerusalem Post, the Jerusalem Report, Tikkun magazine, and other publications ad I am the leading letter writer in the Jerusalem Post.
I am respectfully but agressively challenging rabbis and theJewish community and others to address climate threats and to shift to plant-based diets as an effective. approach to reduce them.
Veganism For a Healthier You and a Healthier Planet Why You Should Be a Vegan, or At Least a Vegetarian Can a Climate Catastrophe Be Prevented? How Religious Values Can Help Avert a Climate Catastrophe Is Judaism a Radical Religion? What is your story re becoming a vegan? Why do you think that Jews (and others) should be vegans. How are you promoting veganism? Why do you think there is a vegan revolution today? Why do you think this revolution is happening? 6. Parts of one of your book’s subtitle is ‘’Saving the World.’ Why do you think the world needs saving? 7. Why do you think that shifts to vegan diets would help save the world? 8. Another one of one of your books subtitles is ‘Revitalizing Judaism.” Why do you think that Judaism and other religions need revitalization and how do your writings address this issue? 9. I understand that you plan to build a major campaign to promote veganism in conjunction with your books. Please explain. 10. How will your upcoming book, “Judaism and Global Survival - 20th anniversary edition f8it into your campaign to promote veganism?
1.. What is your story re becoming a vegan 2. Why do you think that Jews (and others) should be vegans. 3. How are you promoting veganism? 4. Why do you think there is a vegan revolution today? 5. Why do you think this revolution is happening? 6. Parts of one of your book’s subtitle is ‘’Saving the World.’ Why do you think the world needs saving? 7. Why do you think that shifts to vegan diets would help save the world? 8. Another one of one of your books subtitles is ‘Revitalizing Judaism.” Why do you think that Judaism and other religions need revitalization and how do your writings address this issue? 9. I understand that you plan to build a major campaign to promote veganism in conjunction with your books. Please explain. 10. How will your latest book, “Judaism and Global Survival - 20th anniversary edition f8it into your campaign to promote veganism?
I have been interviewed on many podcasts, most recently by the activist Jane Veles-Mitchell. The link is
Over my over 40 years of activism, I have developed many vegetarian, vegan, animal rights, environmental, and other contacts. I would share the link of the recording widely with them and encourage them to also share it widely. AS president emeritus and aa board member of Jewish Veg, a patron and life member of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society, and an activist in the Israeli Jewish Vegetarian Society, I would arrange with them to share the link with their members. I would also put the link on my Facebook page.
Over my over 40 years of activism, I have developed many vegetarian, vegan, animal rights, environmental, and other contacts. I would share the link of the recording widely with them and encourage them to also share it widely. AS president emeritus and aa board member of Jewish Veg, a patron and life member of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society, and an activist in the Israeli Jewish Vegetarian Society, I would arrange with them to share the link with their members. I would also put the link on my Facebook page.