Many agencies use as a cost-effective way to get their clients booked as guests on podcasts.
Your clients will be included in our online directory and featured on a rotating basis in the weekly newsletter sent to 46,000+ people. offers a 15% agency discount for agencies with five* or more active clients on the Premium level of membership.
When your clients are listed at the Premium level, you will get inbound invitations for them to be guests on podcasts. Here is the process:
- Contact us to get started.
- We will provide you with a discount code to use when setting up each of your clients.
- Create online one-sheets for each client.
- Receive invitations for your clients and get them booked on podcasts.
* If you don’t yet have five clients for the service, you should still contact us so we can walk you through the process of adding multiple profiles to
Questions? Ready to get started? Contact us.