PodcastGuests.com enables podcasters to invite guests on their shows and for guests to pitch themselves to be guests on shows.
The service enables users to submit these requests via online forms. As a user of this service, we request that you do not circumvent the platform to contact either podcasters or guests.
There are two reasons we request this:
- Some of the podcasts and experts are managed by agencies or other team members. If people contact the podcast or expert directly, this can cause confusion and also irritate people who outsource booking management to another person or agency.
- PodcastGuests.com monitors pitches and expert invitations to make sure the system is working well for all parties. Circumventing the system makes it difficult to provide the most value to all parties.
If PodcastGuests.com is made aware of someone circumventing the system, we will initially send a warning. Further infractions will result in suspension from the service. You can send notices of circumvention to brian at podcastguests.com.
Thanks for understanding, and working to make PodcastGuests.com valuable for all users!