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Podcasting since 2005, Dave Jackson is an award-winning, Hall of Fame podcaster with thousands of episodes under his belt. His "School of Podcasting" show (3.2 million downloads) was the first podcast about podcasting, and he was the first person to start a website dedicated to helping people launch successful podcasts. Other points of interest include:
Featured keynote and breakout speaker.
Author of the book Profit From Your Podcast.
Served as the Director of Podcasting for the New Media Expo.
Featured in Parade and Rolling Stone Magazines.
Contributing writer for Podertainment Magzine 2015-2017.
Joined (largest podcast hosting company) in 2016
Planning Your Podcast
Launching a Successful Podcast
Growing Your Podcast Audience
Monetizing Your Podcast
The Best Podcast Gear On A Budget
Why You Should Start a Podcast
How to Use Podcasting In Your Business
What are the top reasons you should start a podcast?
What goes into planning a podcast?
How does one go about choosing podcast equipment?
How do you monetize your podcast?
How do you grow your podcast audience?
What stops people from starting a podcast?
What are some of the top podcasting mistakes?
Are there any podcast myths?
How much does it cost to start a podcast?
How do I know what media host to use?
Do you have any podcast success stories?
Dave Jackson Helps You Find Your Voice and Your Audience - Entrepreneur on Fire
Interview with Dave Jackson - Podcasters Studio
Providing Your Own Unique Voice - Podcast Junkies
How To Launch Your Own Membership Service And Attract An Audience For Your Podcast
Build Meaningful Relationships with Your Podcast - The Podcast Producers
Dave Jackson on Narrative podcasting - Creative Studio Academy
Interview with Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting - Home Tech
WAAAAY Ahead of The Podcasting Curve with Dave Jackson of Libsyn and School of Podcasting
Get Your Podcast On iHeart Radio – An Interview With Dave Jackson - The Podcast Report
RSS is like popcorn - interview with Dave Jackson of the School of Podcasting
Start your own podcast – interview with Dave Jackson
Edutainment: How to combine knowledge, wit and interaction in your presentations with Dave Jackson (Episode 42)
I will share on social media, play a clip on my podcast, and link to it on my site and email list.